
S.O.L.D.  Classes

What is S.O.L.D.?
S.O.L.D. stands for The School of Learning and Discipleship. S.O.L.D. Classes provide solid biblical teaching for our community, directed at offering biblical solutions and application for a variety of real-life issues. S.O.L.D. classes take Bible study to a deeper level, investigating such categories as theology, apologetics, church growth, leadership, family issues, and much, much more!

S.O.L.D. classes are typically held Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm.
In My Father's House by Mary Kassian
Women’s Bible Study led by Linda Jenkins
Cost  $9.00

We need to get to know God as Father and relate to Him as a blessed child. However, our relationship with our earthly father positively or negatively impacts how we relate to Father God. Mary Kassian encourages women to clear barriers hindering them from seeing their loving Heavenly Father, basing their relationship with God on the truth of who He is rather than false-hoods about Him.

Survey of Church History (Video Series) by Dr. Robert Godfrey
Led by Fred Johnson
No Cost

This class is a continuation of the fall classes. Looking at the beginnings of the church, the video-driven sessions feature Dr. W. Robert Godfrey. Some of the material we will cover includes the Crusades, the Reformation, Martin Luther, John Calvin and the Great Awakening. A great way to understand how the church developed and which events triggered changes in how it operates.

Apologetics for Everyone   
Led by Boyd White
No Cost

From the First Century believers in Jesus as Lord and Savior have been confronted and challenged about their faith. Today here in the good ‘ol US of A and around the world Christians are still challenged, confronted, and at worst, persecuted for that same faith (Jude 3). With the rise of the New Atheists, believer in the US are also caricatured as emotional fanatics or buffoons. But what if believers could be trained to provide solid evidence for what they believe and good answers to unbelievers’ questions and objections; then, if nothing else, the perception of Christians would slowly change. Christians would be seen as thoughtful people to be taken seriously rather than the former. The gospel would be a real alternative for people to embrace. That’s what we hope to accomplish to a degree in this study. In this study we will examine the why of apologetics, the what of same, and the how of apologetics. In essence we hope to learn how to be good case-makers for Christianity.

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
Led by Pastor Daniel Dickard
Cost $9.00

Abortion, adultery, violence---it seems the big sins grab all the headlines. But what about jealousy, selfishness, greed, and
"little" faults we live with every day? Opening our eyes to the spiritual dangers of "acceptable" transgressions, Bridges urges us to thoughtfully examine our lives and turn away from more subtle negative behaviors.  

Keeping the Ten Commandments by Dr. J. I. Packer
Led by Kevin Hallquist  
Cost $9.00

Respected Bible scholar and author J.I Packer explodes com-mon misconceptions about Keeping the 10 Commandments to reveal God's design for the most wonderful life possible! You'll discover the wisdom and priorities you need for relational, spir-itual, and societal blessing---all from a loving heavenly Father who wants the best for his children. Includes discussion ques-tions and ideas for further study.

Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
Led by Steve King
Cost $9.00

In this provocative work Pastor Piper challenges us to set aside the trivial pursuit of self-fulfillment so that we can develop a deeper passion for God. Piper believes that if we passionately submit the sufferings we endure, the risks we take, and the goals we set to the pursuit of God's glory, then not one moment of our lives will be wasted. Don't miss this opportunity to rekindle your passion for the cross of Christ and the glory of God.