We partner with our state, North American, and International Church Planters and Missionaries by praying for them and their ministries. Prayer Guides are distributed throughout the year during special emphases. In addition, the following sites provide requests that you can pray for throughout the year:
We partner together with other SBC churches to financially support the work of our sending agencies and other ministries. While some of these ministries are included in our annual budget, we also collect special offerings throughout the year for some.
- Baptist Children’s Home of North Carolina (bchfamily.org) – supporting ministry to children and families in crisis throughout North Carolina1
- Global Gates (globalgates.info) – supporting the work of reaching unreached peoples with the gospel through global gateway cities in the United States2
- International Missions (imb.org) – supporting the work of thousands of missionaries who go with the gospel to people in cities, in hard-to-reach places, and who are dispersed and displaced around the globe3
- Love Fund - supporting the benevolence needs of our congregation and community1
- North American Missions (namb.net) – supporting the work of thousands of missionaries and chaplains as they share the gospel and bring compassion to hurting people in North America3
- North Carolina Missions (ncbaptist.org) – supporting relief to those in need through disaster response, church planting, and mobilizing of N.C. Baptists for missions1
- Piedmont Baptist Association (piedmontbaptist.org) – supporting the work of making disciples throughout the Triad through church planting, building up existing churches, and assisting our community2
- Samaritan’s Purse (samaritanspurse.org) – supporting sending the gospel to the ends of the earth through the Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry1
- The Pregnancy Network (thepregnancynetwork.org) – supporting ministry to young women in our community, empowering them to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear1
- Unite Guilford Jail Ministry (unitegjm.org) – supporting ministry to the incarcerated men and women in the Triad jails and those coming out of jail2
1 special offering
2 included in church’s annual budget
3 special offering and included in annual budget
We partner with our local, state, national, and international entities and ministries to provide opportunities for our members to be on mission for the sake of the gospel.
- Christmas Store – In early December we provide gifts for children and groceries for their families in our community.
- Egg-Drop – During this Easter outreach, we share the gospel and build relationships with people in our community.
- Disaster Rebuild Trips – We send teams to Lumberton, NC, and Western North Carolina to assist in the rebuild efforts.
- International Mission Trips – We send teams to partner with our international missionaries and church partners in sharing the gospel in their corner of the world.
- North American Mission Trips – We send teams to serve alongside churches, church planters, and pastors in sharing the gospel in their community.
- Serve NC – During the first week of August, in partnership with NC Baptists, we serve our community through various projects and gospel proclamation.
- Trunk or Treat – We provide a safe place for our community to gather, and it allows us opportunities to present the gospel.
- VBS – We serve the children in our community by sharing the gospel and teaching them what it means to follow Jesus.
Through our annual budget, or by providing space, we partner with churches, pastors, and church planters to advance the gospel.
- Bethel Cambodian Baptist Church – Pastor Bellini Keat leads this Cambodian congregation who meets on our campus.
- Bryan Presson – Bryan is advancing the Great Commission mission of evangelizing, making disciples, and planting churches among the Southeast Asian people groups of Myanmar and Thailand through Gateway Seminary’s ADVANCE contextualized leadership training program.
- Ed Tablazon – Ed, a church planter for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, planted and pastors Echo Church who is reaching the Filipinos in Winston-Salem, NC.
- Friendly Avenue Karen Church – Pastor H Sar O Phla leads this Karen congregation who meets on our campus.
- Mike Sowers – Global Gates is dedicated to reaching unreached peoples with the gospel through global gateway cities in the United States. Michael Sowers grew up at Friendly and is now serving as the Sr. Director of Great Commission Partnerships with Global Gates.
We provide members an opportunity to share the gospel by serving in the following ministries:
- Food Ministry Distribution – This bimonthly outreach provides our members an opportunity to share food and the hope of the gospel to those in our community who are in need.
- English as a Second Language Classes – These classes provide an opportunity for members to share the gospel through teaching English.
- Operation Christmas Child – We encourage members to participate in collecting and packing shoeboxes annually to be distributed to boys and girls around the world.
- Stitch ‘N Time – This group of volunteers create products (e.g., blankets, neck pillows, stuffed animals, etc.) to give to those hurting, suffering, or in need.

For more information about how you can be on mission,
contact our mission team at onmission@friendlyavenue.com
or call the church office, 336.292.3567.
contact our mission team at onmission@friendlyavenue.com
or call the church office, 336.292.3567.