We believe we are a church called to missions. Each year we give to programs such as the Lottie Moon Offering, the Annie Armstrong Offering, and Samaritan's Purse to aid missionaries around the world to spread the good news of the gospel and to help those who are in need.

Not only is Friendly Avenue a giving church but it is a going church. We firmly believe in the Great Commission to go into all the nations and to make disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). God has sent us to places such as Africa, Thailand, Ecuador, Argentina, Romania, and India to spread the good news of Christ and to see His Word change the lives of those all around world.

Mission Trip to Kenya

October 3-13, 2023

As part of a church planting strategy, mission teams are assisting in the construction of houses for families in need.  Local pastors are active in planning, conducting, and follow-up of each project.  The recipients of the houses are determined by the village, and are usually widows, women who have been abandoned by their husbands, or someone with a disability.  Often, these families are unable to keep their houses up to safe, sanitary standards.  The house-building project brings the community together for service to one of its members and exposes them to the Gospel through a house dedication service.  After the team has departed, local pastors follow up with a 12-week Bible study in the homes.  The hope is that a church will start out of this, and several have.
Questions? Contact Carmie Cook at cmcook124@gmail.com