This summer we are launching Prayer Gatherings in member’s homes throughout the Triad. The purpose of these prayer gatherings will be to seek God on behalf of specific needs within our congregation, to give God praise for answered prayers, and to build community within our Friendly family.

We want prayer to be a priority at Friendly because we know God hears and answers our prayers and we also know that these prayer gatherings will build community as we pray and fellowship together. So, we invite you to register below to join one of our Prayer Gatherings. These gatherings will meet one evening a week in homes around the Triad. Each home will have a host who will lead the prayer gathering.
Below you will find "A Call to Prayer" booklet that you can view on your digital device or download and print at home (hard copies will be available at the Connect Desk). In this booklet, you'll find a 31 Day Prayer Guide, a section of Scripture Prayers, and a section where you can write prayer requests. Let's anticipate God hearing and answering our prayers as we collectively seek His face.


What’s the setting?

Each prayer gathering will meet in a church member’s home, although we have one gathering meeting at church. The average gathering size will be 6-16 members.

Who leads?

Each home has a leader who will lead the prayer time. Each leader has been given a prayer focus for each week to guide the time of prayer.

Who prays?

The leader and group members. We understand that some members are comfortable praying out loud while others are comfortable praying silently. Either is fine. No one will be put on the spot to pray out loud.

Why pray in small groups?

When God’s people pray together for specific needs, we pray collectively, and we build community. Following Jesus’ ascension, Luke tells us that the disciples “were continually united in prayer” (Acts 1:14). Following the birth of the early church, Luke tells us the early believers “devoted themselves…to prayer” (Acts 2:42). They were praying collectively and building community in the process. And as you read through the Book of Acts, you see that God heard and answered their prayers time and time again.

What if I can’t join a group?

It’s okay! You can still pray. Please download or pick up a copy of our A Call To Pray prayer guide and pray daily for the request listed on that date. And use the Scripture Prayers located in the prayer guide as well.

How often and how long do we meet?

Prayer gatherings meet weekly. Although the day and time will vary, the gathering will last one hour.

What if I can’t make it every week?

It’s okay! We know summers are busy. So, attend when you can. And when you can’t, simply contact your Host to let them know you are unable to attend.