
Serve with us at FABC

Ministries Serving the Church

eMinistry Team - providing A/V support for services & special events
FABC Kids - discipling children and their families
Friendly Greeters - welcoming people at the doors on Sunday mornings
Men's Brotherhood - serving for monthly Men's Breakfasts & special events
Music & Worship - leading the church in bible-centered worship through music
Pew Pals - connecting & serving guests in worship services
Prayer Room - coordinating and praying for various prayer requests
Senior Adults (Diamond Set) - providing seniors with multiple ministry outlets
Shut-In Ministry - visiting and ministering to those who are unable to join us on campus
Student Ministry - discipling students and their families
Women on Mission (WMU) - assisting in various mission projects

Ministries Serving Our Community

12 Steps - assisting those recovering from various addictions
Citizenship Class -  helping immigrants in the U.S. citizenship process
Cooler Ministry - serving refreshments to families of patients in the hospital
Disaster Relief - rebuilding and repairing communities after natural disaster
English as a Second Language (ESL) - teaching English to non-English-speaking adults
GriefShare - supporting individuals through the process of grief and loss
Doris Henderson Newcomers School - providing school supplies, food, and more
Jail Ministry - sharing the gospel and teaching the bible to inmates
Reach Teams - Building relationships in our community to share the gospel
Stitch 'N Time - making blankets, bibs, bags, etc. to support various local groups
Tutoring Ministry - working with students in their academic pursuits

Serve at FABC.

One of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve the local church.
Many serving opportunities are available.