Middle School can be a uniquely challenging time for students and their families. One of the main reasons why this season can be so difficult is because students are trying to answer the question, "Who am I?" while full of hormones and surrounded by a world that is pulling them in every direction but the right one. As our Middle School Milestone in the FABC Family Ministry Pathway, ID Weekend is meant to be a time of worship, encouragement, and equipping families to root their identities in what truly matters, The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This year we are focusing on the idea of being made in the Image of God. We will see what it means to be made in His image, why it is a problem to try to find our identity elsewhere, and how this Biblical concept of being human can lead to a transformed life in everything we do!

Below you can find the schedule and details of what this weekend will look like. Please take the time to attend this year's ID Weekend with your Middle School student(s) so that they can be reminded of how God created them to view themselves, and you can be encouraged as parents in your efforts to walk with your kids through this uniquely challenging season of their lives!

FRIDAY NIGHT - November 18

5:45pm - Dinner
6:30pm - Family Game Time
7pm - Session1: In His Image
8pm - Family Time


9am - Session 2: Broken Reflections
10am - Breakout Sessions
Parents - Led by Pastor Daniel, Evan and a panel
Students - Guys and Girls groups led by panels of FAS Adult Leaders

11am - Family Activity
11:30am - Session 3: The Perfect Image
12:30pm - Family Discussions