By-Law Changes

As FABC continues to grow its ministries, our By-Laws will periodically undergo revision to provide both expected guidance and a view of current practices. The latest proposed revisions are made with this in mind. To learn more, come join us at the Ministry Celebration event August 8! Together, we will rediscover the changes first communicated in Fall 2020, as well as provisions recommended in 2021. Afterwards, we will prepare to consider their adoption with a church-wide vote in the days following. So come hungry, curious, and eager to exercise your fork (there will be food!) and your fellowship as we celebrate together on Aug 8 what the Lord is doing at FABC. Please review the proposed changes below.

1. Summary of Proposed By-Law Changes
High-Level Summary of proposed changes

2. FABC – By Laws Changes – FAQs
Frequently Asked (Key) Questions

3. FABC Bylaws 4837-6078-9857 v.9
Amended By-Laws document with 2020-2021 changes applied

4. Change-Pro Redline –FABC Bylaws
Original By-Laws document marked-up with proposed revisions in red

For questions, contact Nathan Null, Chair, or Iain MacSween, Moderator, or Pastor Daniel.